Showing posts with label 3-day novel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3-day novel. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Three-Day Novel

Hullo hullo!

Summer break is over! I've got a few college classes I'm taking to supplement my high school studies, plus a long, long list of reading to do…so to kickstart the new school year, I wrote a novel in 72 hours.
It was so much fun!
But I'm getting ahead of myself. I'll start with where I got the idea. 
I was perusing around the internet when I found this amazing little gem from It is a contest, held every year over Labor Day weekend, where a bunch of aspiring authors sit down and write an entire novel (or often novella) in three days and exactly 72 hours. When they finish, they pack it up and ship it in to be evaluated to see if it wins any prizes.

Doesn't that seem like an amazing idea?! My family didn't think so. I did. 
However, lacking the extra cash handy for the entrance fee, and having a packed schedule for the specified Monday (HERSHEYPARK!!!)––not to mention that I had entirely no confidence in my writing discipline––I decided to take the website's advice to youngsters to practice first. 
So last Wednesday, August 29, 2012, at approximately 7:13 am, I began my three day novel.
And on Friday, August 31, 2012, at precisely 11:59 pm, I finished.