Saturday, November 10, 2012

Editing Part 1: Meet Trooper––Where Did He Come from?!?!

Alas! My baby died. 
My precious, ancient, beautiful laptop finally died. That's my official excuse for why I haven't updated in a while ;)

So I promised to talk about editing. And, well, I don't really know anything about editing. That's actually why I promised to talk about it––this'll force me to actually think about it. 
To start off with, I began re-reading my story. It was better than I had feared, but worse than I had hoped. I was somewhat surprised by what I found. Allow me to introduce the actual story to you.

In a world of perpetual cloud-coverage and endless cold, the Sun endows few, certain individuals with it's glorious power. Fire springs to their fingertips upon their call, they can feel the presence of those around them, they can influence the feelings those presences, and, it is whispered, they can change the course of fate itself. Blessed, they are called, for their goodness and light, and the Sunblessed rule the world in wisdom and power.
Vivas is a cold, dark, evil city, bordered by incredibly high, stark walls to detain the criminals within. One walks alone in Vivas, for you can trust no one. The darkness is most dreaded; nothing but evil wanders the streets during the moonlit hours. Nothing good ever comes out of Vivas. Nothing good ever could come out of Vivas…supposedly. Why, then, is Tigress––a brutal, Vivatrian girl of the streets––Sunblessed?
Intrigued by this phenomenon, Aramis, a master Sunblessed, has taken the girl in and begun training her in the finer arts of the Sunblessed. Soon the capable pair is sent to find the dangerous, Vivatrian escapee, Scorpion, and bring him to justice. Scorpion leaves a dangerous trail, however, and leads the unknowing Aramis and the wary Tigress back into Vivas herself into a circle of desperate, wretched, human darkness.
Only the Moon shines down upon the clouded city.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Three-Day Novel

Hullo hullo!

Summer break is over! I've got a few college classes I'm taking to supplement my high school studies, plus a long, long list of reading to do…so to kickstart the new school year, I wrote a novel in 72 hours.
It was so much fun!
But I'm getting ahead of myself. I'll start with where I got the idea. 
I was perusing around the internet when I found this amazing little gem from It is a contest, held every year over Labor Day weekend, where a bunch of aspiring authors sit down and write an entire novel (or often novella) in three days and exactly 72 hours. When they finish, they pack it up and ship it in to be evaluated to see if it wins any prizes.

Doesn't that seem like an amazing idea?! My family didn't think so. I did. 
However, lacking the extra cash handy for the entrance fee, and having a packed schedule for the specified Monday (HERSHEYPARK!!!)––not to mention that I had entirely no confidence in my writing discipline––I decided to take the website's advice to youngsters to practice first. 
So last Wednesday, August 29, 2012, at approximately 7:13 am, I began my three day novel.
And on Friday, August 31, 2012, at precisely 11:59 pm, I finished.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Invincibles Versus Perishables (Villains)

As I craft a character it itches me to make him perfect. Not just the best, better than the best. I want a character so cool, ice cubes are jealous! 
Fortunately for my characters, I'm usually able to overcome this fault…until I get to the villains. Too often I find myself making them bigger and badder. The more powerful they are, the more interesting the story, right?
Perishable Farmboy-Orphan,
         Invincible Awesome Jedi
Oh, sure, if all your villains are weak it makes a rather boring story, but it's the same with villains as it is with good guys. You have the superheroes, the invincibles, and you have the mortals, the ordinary humans, the everyday people, the perishables. 

Main characters don't usually start as the best sword-slingers, magic users, leaders, etc., they're the farmboys, orphans, hotheaded but klutzy princesses…you get the picture. If they were all powerful and perfect, they would have no room to grow. There would be no excitement because the main character would know how to handle each situation perfectly. 

Does Aragorn seem the more logical choice of getting Frodo to Mount Doom over Sam? Perhaps. Would it have had the same result? Perhaps not. Sam is the epitome of a perishable. He's not Aragorn, he can't be Aragorn. He's just Sam, but he makes Sam count for something––by taking what few talents he does have and using them to solve the problem. Loyalty, steadfastness, and humility are what get Frodo up the mountain.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Third-Party Villains

What do I mean by third-party villains? A typical story has its protagonist and its antagonist…but what about the stories that include the other guy over there that neither the main character nor the main bad-guy like and who simply exists to cause both parties extreme discomfort?
For those of you that still have no idea what I'm talking about, some examples include…

• Gollum
From The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
He doesn't want Sauron to get the ring, but he certainly would prefer it to come to his precious hands rather than stay in those of Baggin's. He's not exactly the all-powerful Sauron with armies to destroy Middle Earth, but he seems to be way more successful when it comes to actually finding and following our furry-footed friends.

• Rumpelstiltskin
From Once Upon a Time (tv show)
I told you he'd be back! Rumpelstilskin freaks me out––he knows way too much! And who's he working for, anyway? I've got to hurry and get to the end of the season to find out! Our evil queen certainly is uncomfortable with his…creepiness, and our heroes certainly don't like him either!

• The Children of the Light 
From The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan
I'm scared to say anything about this series for fear something will drastically change as I progress further into these eternally-long books, but so far the Whitecloaks are rather eery with their whole "walk in the Light" talk. Religious bad-guys are always the scariest…especially since Darkfriends consist of practically anyone that has ever been involved with anything mysterious, good guys included.

• Ezra
From The Leven Thumps series by Obert Skye
Amazingly evil and equally hilarious, our extra-long fancy purple-frilled sandwich toothpick makes a most incredible third-party villain. How did he come into existence? When Geth's soul was forced into a seed and later chopped up for scrape wood, all the fiery revolutionary's anger ended up in this furious, confused sliver of wood. Ezra's main goal in life? Kill Geth. 
Unfortunately for the true villains of the series, when Ezra sets his mind to ruling Foo as well as destroying Geth, he causes quite a bit of trouble for all his limitations.

Spoilers concerning The Legend of Korra and The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Favorite Villains


I have taken an interest in villains lately––prompted in some sense by the blunt fact that all my own villains stink. Here's in a look at some of my favorite bad-guys and why they work.

• Rumpelstiltskin 
Once Upon a Time (tv show)
This guy is my new favorite! He's creepy, he makes cool hand motions, and he always outwits everyone, good or bad. Everything he does comes at a price. He'll go as far as helping the good guys-–so long as he gets something in return. Sometimes the trade is outrageous, other times it's seemingly not in his favor. 
You don't know what to expect from Rumpelstiltskin, except that he'll probably win, and that's why I like him.
(I'll post on third-party bad-guys like him again very soon.)

• Loki 
Thor (film)
You already heard the big sha-bang about Loki, but in case you didn't read it, I'll summarize.
You understand Loki and what makes him tick. You almost feel sorry from him! He's completely un-stereotypical, and still has awesomely mysterious powers.

• Darth Vader 
Star Wars
Pure evil, really powerful, cool looking. Need I say more?

• Long John Silver 
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
Charismatic bad-guys are the creepiest! He's so unassuming with his crippled leg and his modest position as cook, and yet he's the mastermind behind it all. The main character, unfortunately, falls for it.....and perhaps the reader does, too.

• Irene Adler 
A Scandal in Bohemia (Sherlock Holmes) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
I keep hearing about Moriarty and how wonderful he is. I can't dispute it––I haven't read all the Sherlock Holmes yet––but what about Irene Adler?
Irene Adler is in one little short story where she is the first criminal master-mind that is actually a criminal master-mind. Sherlock, technically, doesn't win. She completely outwits him!
The best bad-guys are the ones that can actually win.

Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson - SPOILER ALERT!!
I suggest you read the book. Brandon Sanderson wrote it, which means it's amazing. However, I suggest you don't read this blurb on the villain as it gives away the best part of the book. So stop. Now....unless you've already read it or never will, then read on, please :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Favorite Books Desktop

I needed a new desktop background for my computer.....this was the result. These are some of my favorite books. Fantasy is obviously my chosen genre, though I enjoy a variety of other types of books. (If you look closely you'll note that The Lord of the Rings and Tolkien make a prominent mark, and that there is quite an abundance of Brandon Sanderson novels. I haven't found anything better thus far where fantasy is concerned than Tolkien and Sanderson.)

(Note that this is not a comprehensive list, and that only some of these are really my absolute favorites, while others are just titles I've read recently or saw while I was browsing images.)

In case you're interested, there's a list of the titles available after the jump.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Nuggets: Thor

Minor spoiler warning.

Last evening I took a dip into the "second-rate" world of comics. And yes, I found that even in movies adapted from comics, nuggets can be found. 

Elements I liked:
1. Thor––his super-cuteness.
2. That the movie actually had some redeeming value (I've heard debated that Iron Man has redeeming value because Pepper totally shuts Tony down in the end, but that doesn't count because she turns around and gives in at the end of the second movie. Ahem).
3. Loki. Loki, Loki, Loki!

I loved Loki! What an amazing bad-guy! He is a brilliantly devised character that actually has some real depth, despite the time-limited lack of attention he receives.  Unlike Thor's three-day "transformation", Loki's actions are something we can understand. We can see where he came from, why he feels the way he does, and where that leads him. 
Let's break him down into the elements of the movie.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Seeing the Blue Between

"Everyone watches clouds,
naming creatures they've seen.
I see the sky differently,
I see the blue between––"
  ~ Kristine O'Connell George

Seeing the blue between is something I've always grasped at. As primarily an imaginer, the blue to me is the creative streaks, fresh ideas, and alluring concepts that swirl around me everyday. 
These posts will be my writer's notebook. A bank of ideas, notes, and lots and lots of book talk.
Just to warn you, I love books. Love them.